Consists of two main buildings. The northeastern building houses DCS, The other, houses administrative offices, gym, library, music room and Sandburg classrooms. The library is where the DCS community Meetings are generally held.
DCS/Carl Sandburg Shared Campus
DCS students enjoy all the benefits of sharing a campus with Carl Sandburg Elementary School. These include library, music and physical education, in addition to special education, after-school programs, and special events.
Field Trips
Learning Journeys
Friday Specials
Three (Fall, Winter and Spring) 3 to 4 weeks in duration, Friday afternoon parent led multi-age enrichment activities.
LWSD Lake Washington School District.
Org Chart / Volunteer Roster
Organization Chart of DCS community including staff, elected officers, committee Chairs, and committee members.
Parent, Teachers, Student Association - A DCS / Sandburg organization planning, discussing, implementing, and supporting school sponsored events, activities, and facilities. Volunteering for PTSA sponsored events or attending their meetings count toward DCS parent volunteer hours.
Carl Sandburg Elementary.
Refers both to the monthly Steering Meetings and the Steering committee made up of elected officers, committee chairs, Principal, and Head Teacher.
Volunteer Badges
To be worn while volunteering at DCS/Sandburg. Found in our secretary's office. For safety and security reasons, you must sign in at Sandburg's front office anytime you are volunteering or visiting DCS or Sandburg.
Volunteer Hours
Each DCS family is required to contribute 65 hours per year (per family—not per student). All volunteer hours should be logged in to the volunteer database via the "Our Community" link in the navigation area on the top left of this page. Use the Volunteer button and "Record your Hours" link then login. Contact the webmasters using the link at the bottom of this page for login information. Hours can be entered at any time but should be logged on a monthly basis.
Wednesday Early Release
All LWSD Elementary Schools release early on Wednesdays. DCS / Sandburg Elementary dismiss at 2:20 pm on Wednesdays.
Winter Event
Traditionally the DCS art and talent show. Art created by children displayed in a gallery setting along with stage performances, often including work from Friday Specials.